Malware Attacks Have Become Easier Than Ever

Malware attacks have been made easier than ever with crimeware kits that attackers can download from websites for just a few grand. They are automated so even the less skilled criminals can launch thousands of attacks on enterprise infrastructure every day. Malware writers have figured out a way to sneak into companies' database without being detected. Sometimes they manage to stay under the radar for months or even years and have several ways to do it. To take one way for example, a lot of antivirus technologies have difficulty detecting packed malware because it changes the way the malware architecture is presented within the package. Just as antiviruses are busy adding a new signature for a new form of the virus, Polymorphism is creeping into mobile malware. Malware is a powerful threat and has no defense mechanism to neutralize it. A layered, integrated approach is the most effective and more likely to be able to stand up to future malware. For more details please refer to Dark Reading at